Non-surgical standard of care (SOC) for locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (LA HNSCC) patients is chemoradiation with cisplatin/cetuximab. Elderly patients, and those with poor performance status, comorbidities, and/or intolerance, may not benefit from current SOC, representing a high unmet need. NBTXR3, a novel radioenhancer composed of functionalized hafnium oxide nanoparticles. […]
NBTXR3, a novel radioenhancer activated by radiotherapy (RT) demonstrated superior efficacy, as preoperative treatment in patients with locally advanced soft tissue sarcoma (LA STS) compared to RT alone. […]
Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have led to improved treatment outcomes in a variety of cancers; however, the majority of patients exhibit resistance to ICIs. Overcoming this resistance is a major challenge in immune-oncology. Radiation therapy (RT) has emerged as a promising combination with ICIs since it may act synergistically with ICIs by producing an immunomodulatory effect. […]
The non-surgical standard of care (SOC) for the treatment of locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma(LA HNSCC) is concurrent chemoradiation with high dose cisplatin or cetuximab in case of contra-indication to cisplatin. However elderly patients, and those with poor performance status, comorbidities, and/or intolerance, may not benefit from these SOC treatments and represent a high unmet need. […]
Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have led to improved treatment outcomes in a variety of cancers; however, the majority of patients exhibit resistance to ICIs. Overcoming this resistance is a major challenge in immune-oncology. Radiation therapy (RT) has emerged as a promising combination with ICIs since it may act synergistically with ICIs by producing an immunomodulatory effect. […]
Concurrent radiotherapy (RT) with high-dose cisplatin, or cetuximab in case of intolerance to cisplatin, are the non-surgical standard treatment for locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (LA HNSCC). However, elderly patients, patients with poor performance status, comorbidities, and/or intolerance may not benefit from these treatments […]
Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have improved treatment outcomes in a variety of cancers; however the majority of patients (pts) exhibit resistance. Emerging evidence suggests radiation therapy (RT) can enhance response to ICIs by producing an immunomodulatory effect. NBTXR3, composed of functionalized hafnium oxide nanoparticles, is injected intratumorally and activated by RT. […]
NBTXR3, a novel radioenhancer activated by radiotherapy (RT) demonstrated superior efficacy, as preoperative treatment in patients with locally advanced soft tissue sarcoma (LA STS) compared to RT alone. […]
Concurrent radiotherapy (RT) with high-dose cisplatin, or cetuximab in case of intolerance to cisplatin, are the non-surgical standard treatment for locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (LA HNSCC). However, elderly patients, patients with poor performance status, comorbidities, and/or intolerance may not benefit from these treatments […]
NBTXR3, a novel radioenhancer activated by radiotherapy (RT) demonstrated superior efficacy, as preoperative treatment, in patients with locally advanced soft tissue sarcoma (LA STS), compared to RT alone. […]