2012, Maggiorella L. et al.


Laurence Maggiorella*1, Gilles Barouch2, Corinne Devaux1, Agnès Pottier1, Eric Deutsch3, Jean Bourhis3, Elsa Borghi1 & Laurent Levy1
1 – Nanobiotix, 60 rue de Wattignies, 75012, Paris, France
2 – CEA, DEN, Cadarache, F-13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France
3 – Laboratoire radiothérapie moléculaire, INSERM 1030, Institut Gustave Roussy Villejuif Labex, LERMIT, Université
Paris-Sud, France
*Author for correspondence: laurence.maggiorella@nanobiotix.com


Aim: There is considerable interest in approaches that could improve the therapeutic window of radiotherapy. In this study, hafnium oxide nanoparticles were designed that concentrate in tumor cells to achieve intracellular highenergy dose deposit. Materials & methods: Conventional methods were used, implemented in different ways, to explore interactions of these high-atomicnumber nanoparticles and ionizing radiation with biological systems.

Results: Using the Monte Carlo simulation, these nanoparticles, when exposed to highenergy photons, were shown to demonstrate an approximately ninefold radiation dose enhancement compared with water. Importantly, the nanoparticles show satisfactory dispersion and persistence within the tumor and they form clusters in the cytoplasm of cancer cells. Marked antitumor activity is demonstrated in human cancer models. Safety is similar in treated and control animals as demonstrated by a broad program of toxicology evaluation.

Conclusion: These findings, supported by good tolerance, provide the basis for developing this new type of nanoparticle as a promising anticancer approach in human patients.

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