When exposed to radiotherapy (RT), NBTXR3 nanoparticles increase radiation dose deposition from within the cancer cells. NBTXR3 is intended for a single intratumor injection. Results from a phase II/III clinical trial in patients with locally advanced Soft Tissue Sarcoma demonstrated significant superiority and clinical benefits of NBTXR3 activated by RT compared to RT alone […]
Despite tremendous results achieved by immune checkpoint inhibitors, most patients are not responders, mainly because of the lack of a pre-existing anti-tumor immune response. Thus, solutions to efficiently prime this immune response are currently under intensive investigations. Radiotherapy elicits cancer cell death, generating an antitumor-specific T cell response, turning tumors in personalized in situ vaccines, with potentially systemic effects (abscopal effect). Nonetheless, clinical evidence of sustained anti-tumor immunity as abscopal effect are rare. […]
The majority of cancer patients are resistant to immune therapy; only around 15% respond to immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI). Thus, strategies able to increase ICI response are of great interest. Recent work suggests radiotherapy (RT) can act as an immunomodulator to increase the proportion of ICI responders and improve clinical outcomes. However, RT dose and ultimate efficacy are limited by toxicity related to exposure of healthy tissues. […]
First in class hafnium oxide nanoparticles (NBTXR3) activated by radiotherapy (RT) increase radiation dose deposit within cancer cells compared to RT alone. Given that RT can prime an anti-tumor immune response we hypothesized that this response could be enhanced by NBTXR3+RT in both animals and humans. […]
Hafnium oxide nanoparticles (NBTXR3) activated by radiotherapy (RT) increase radiation dose deposit within cancer cells compared to RT alone. Currently 7 clinical trials are underway to evaluate NBTXR3+RT. To date, no dose limiting toxicities (DLTs) have been observed. Given that RT can prime an anti-tumor immune response we hypothesized that this response could be enhanced by NBTXR3+RT in both animals and humans. […]
Radiotherapy (RT) can prime an anti-tumor immune response. Unfortunately, this response rarely generates total tumor destruction and abscopal effect. When activated by RT, intratumorally (IT) administered hafnium oxide nanoparticles (NBTXR3) locally increase radiation dose deposit and tumor cell death compared to RT alone. We hypothesized that NBTXR3 + RT could enhance the anti-tumor immune response, both in mice and humans. […]
The enclosed abstract was presented at the 13th Journées cancéropole Grand Sud-Ouest at Poitiers. The abstract Hafnium oxide nanoparticles as an emergent promising treatment for solid tumors describes how hafnium oxide nanoparticles were designed at the nanoscale in the form of crystalline 50nm-particles to efficiently absorb ionizing radiation and increase the radiation dose deposited – “hot spots” of energy deposit – from within the tumor cells for efficient cell killing. […]
Recent results of a phase II/III in locally advanced Soft Tissue Sarcoma patients demonstrated clinical benefits of intratumorally injected HfO2-NP activated by radiotherapy compared to radiotherapy alone, validating their first-in-class mode of action. In addition, animal studies have reported that HfO2-NP+RT can induce an abscopal effect, where RT alone cannot. […]