Expected and Unexpected Side Effects of Nanodrugs

CLINAM · 2010, Levy L. et al.


Dr. Laurent Lévy, CEO of Nanobiotix, and Co-President of the French Technology Platform on
Nanomedicine (FTPN), Paris (F)


Nanotechnology offers revolutionary strategies to improve healthcare. Adequate nanomaterial characterization constitutes the basis to establish relevant programs of nanoparticle/biological systems cross talk evaluation. Also, the surrounding conditions significantly impact on the state of the nanoparticles in terms of their collective behavior: dispersion, aggregation, and stability in gas or liquid.

The “principle of designing” specific products is the paradigm of the nanomedecine. It is really new and it represents an essential point since creating innovative products should be supported by a previous risk evaluation based on the nanoscale chemistry. Furthermore, size does matter. Thus, both, size and chemistry of nanoparticles are probably the fundamental parameters from which all others depend on, and ultimately nanomaterial surface. And surfaces are the key players when considering safety.

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