
2017 – AACR Abstract – NBTXR3 combination with cisplatin in vivo and in vitro

Combination of NBTXR3 and cisplatin has been evaluated in vitro and in vivo. No specific toxicity was observed for the cells exposed only to NBTXR3. For the combined treatment, a marked and enhanced cell destruction when compared to the single agent. In vivo, NBTXR3 combined with low dose of cisplatin delayed tumor growth when compared to single agent CDDP in combination with RT. NBTXR3 is intended to be injected in the tumors. Spilling in the circulation may occur during product administration or, as expected, during tumor destruction, leading to steady trapping of NPs in the reticulo-endothelial system (liver and spleen). Clinically, it is unknown whether patients, previously treated with NPs, may show toxic signs when NPs are exposed (activation) to diagnosis imaging (computed tomography(CT)) of the liver.

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