
2018 – ASTRO – NBTXR3 Anti-Tumor Immune Response

Soft tissue sarcoma (STS) is a rare type of cancer, which occurs in tissues connecting, supporting and/or surrounding other structures of the body, like muscle, fat, etc. More than 50 subtypes of STS exist, characterized by a strong propensity to local recurrence and metastatic spreading. Consistently, the immune microenvironment in sarcomas is highly variable. A new class of high electron density material, hafnium oxide, was designed at the nanoscale to efficiently absorb ionizing radiation from within the tumor cells and increase the dose deposition into the tumor. […]

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2018 – ASCO – NBTXR3 generates an anti-tumor immune response

The enclosed abstract was presented at the 13th Journées cancéropole Grand Sud-Ouest at Poitiers. The abstract Hafnium oxide nanoparticles as an emergent promising treatment for solid tumors describes how hafnium oxide nanoparticles were designed at the nanoscale in the form of crystalline 50nm-particles to efficiently absorb ionizing radiation and increase the radiation dose deposited – “hot spots” of energy deposit – from within the tumor cells for efficient cell killing. […]

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2017 – Abstract – 13th Journées cancéropole GSO – HfO2 nanoparticles in solid tumors

The enclosed abstract was presented at the 13th Journées cancéropole Grand Sud-Ouest at Poitiers. The abstract Hafnium oxide nanoparticles as an emergent promising treatment for solid tumors describes how hafnium oxide nanoparticles were designed at the nanoscale in the form of crystalline 50nm-particles to efficiently absorb ionizing radiation and increase the radiation dose deposited – “hot spots” of energy deposit – from within the tumor cells for efficient cell killing. […]

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2017 – Abstract – CTOS – NBTXR3 induces antitumoral immune response in human STS

The enclosed abstract was presented at the “2017 Connective Tissue Oncology Society Annual Meeting (CTOS), Maui, Hawaii”. The abstract “NBTXR3 Treatment Induces Antitumoral Immune Response in Human Soft Tissue Sarcoma” describes how NBTXR3 activated by RT triggers an enhanced adaptive immune response and contributes to transform “cold” tumor into “hot” tumor.

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2017 – Abstract – 35th CFS – Hafnium Oxide Nanoparticles: An Emergent Promising Treatment for Solid Tumors

Hafnium oxide nanoparticles: an emergent promising treatment for solid tumors To improve tumor response, radiotherapy (RT) has been combined with chemical agents, radiosensitizers and monoclonal antibodies. However, the complexity of these associations in terms of pharmacology, local control, clinical outcome benefits or patient quality of life underlines the need for the development of new therapeutic approaches. […]

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